by Harold Brown
The five W’s are the basic of journalism and education. Hopefully this essay will provide enough information that the reader can be better informed and moved to seek out more information on veganism.
The opinions expressed in these essays do not necessarily reflect the position of ARAUNY. A few select ARAUNY members have been chosen to write on our blog.
by George Payne, founder of Gandhi Earth Keepers International
Our species clings to the concept of Human because it provides an easy, relaxing and affordable sensation of superiority over other sentient
beings. The schism between human and animal (we share 98% genetic
similarity with chimpanzees) however, is not only artificial but
by Linda Brink
I have great respect for the intelligence of rats. As with most animal/human conflicts, understanding the animal with our supposedly superior intelligence is key to compassionate resolution of the troubling issues. That, and patience. Here are the three key survival necessities for rats people need to understand when attempting to move them out:
by Tinako – Expanding Circle Blogger
I’ve been looking for some time for a concise written explanation of speciesism, without success. I wanted something to hand out at Human Rights Day last December, so I wrote the following, which fits on a small flyer. I’d love to hear whether it makes logical sense to you…
by Linda DeStefano
It’s time to expand respect for animals.
Koko, the gorilla, communicates with people through American Sign Language and her understanding of a large vocabulary of spoken English. She is gentle with her kitten, and hugs people she likes.
Although he can escape from the killer harpoons, a whale returns to his wounded mate and stays with her until he, too, is killed by the whalers.
by Anonymous
As February winds down and we look forward to spring, a grim reality disguised as “tradition” comes forth. The annual slaughter of baby harp seals begins as soon as the pups start shedding their white coats and ice conditions permit. A white, pristine nursery where hundreds of thousands of seal mothers nurse their young becomes a horrifying, bloody killing field.
The following letter to the editor was published in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle October 8th: Relay for Life sponsors “delicious chicken BBQ.” Another Chance Pet Rescue hosts a “Chicken BBQ Fundraiser.” The list of groups and organizations that support…
The following letter to the editor was published in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle October 6, 2014: Ringling Brothers Circus is coming to Rochester at the end of the month. Both dog fighting and animal circuses abuse animals for profit…
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