Cube of Truth Recap 4/6

We had a beautiful Spring Cube of Truth last Saturday!  Thank you to Joseph, Tina, Theresa, Alec, Justin, John, Misty, and Andy for coming out to show and tell about animals being used for food.  We had many, many good conversations that moved people closer to veganism, with five people “taking veganism seriously.”  When I’m doing the outreach portion, I like to stand by the corner because sometimes while people wait for the light, they turn back to look and I talk to them.  I noticed this time that people who walked past without seeming to look, and facing away from the Cube, seemingly having taken no notice, were often talking to each other about animals or meat.

Thanks to Joseph for organizing and hauling the stuff.

Anonymous for the Voiceless

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There are also AV chapters in Buffalo, Syracuse, and Ithaca.