ARRoc is a cosponsor of Inaugurating Hope, a program led by the Pachamama Alliance.
Friday, January 20, 2017 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
(6:30 PM check in time in order to begin promptly)
Location: First Unitarian Church of Rochester,
220 Winton Rd. South, Rochester, New York 14610
Free but please pre-register.
“On the evening of Inauguration Day, all those who want to create positive change in our community and our world are invited to come together as one. We will take steps to move towards the openness of heart, aliveness of body and clarity of purpose we need to generate positive, creative responses to the world’s situation. We will begin to release what most distresses us, as we listen to one another and connect to our deepest values and wisdom. On this night of profound change in our world, we can shift from powerlessness and anxiety into hope-filled action. We can find our role in collectively being the change the world needs.
“Music and Dancing will follow for those who wish to stay.
“The event is free, but donations will be gratefully received to help defray costs” (see registration).