Lecture on Coyote-Killing, Canned Hunts, Trophy Hunting

Wanted: Dead or Alive: Should Recreational Killing of Animals be Allowed in NYS?
Presentation (hour-long lecture, followed by Q&A) by: VALERIE WILL, from Buffalo NY

May 2, 2005 (Monday)

Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ave, Rochester NY
– wheelchair accessible (elevator by rear entrance)
–  Sign Language Interpreter Provided  –
Sponsored by: Animal Rights Advocates of Upstate NY
Open to the Public
Free ($donations accepted to help offset ARA costs)

Join us for a thought-provoking and sometimes humorous presentation by a hunting advocate’s worst nightmare, Valerie Will. Valerie has spoken publicly throughout upstate New York for the past fifteen years, and has been a regular guest on television and radio shows in the Buffalo NY area. She will offer a glimpse of the world of “sport” hunting as most people have never seen it. Learn why some people view sport hunting as killing for fun, or as ecology in reverse.