Recap: Nazareth Farmer’s Market 10/19

Tina tabled for three hours at Nazareth College’s Farmer’s Market.  The market was very well run and the weather was lovely, though the wind, as always, was a challenge.  The students were very interested in ARRoc’s materials, and Tina had…

Recap: Roc Reality TV Outreach 10/10

Thank you to Joe and Darren for providing TV outreach at Cobb’s Hill Reservoir for several hours on Sunday October 10th.  First time here, and what an inspiring location!  They had five meaningful conversations with passers-by moved by the footage…

Finger Lakes Racetrack Demonstration 10/11

Horseracing Wrongs estimates that upward of 2,000 horses die while racing or training on American racetracks annually. The typical horse does not reach full musculoskeletal maturity till around six; the typical racehorse begins “training” at 18 months and is raced…

Recap: Tabling at NOTA Market 9/13

Tina offered information about animal rights and veganism to attendees at the Neighborhood of the Arts Farmer’s Market for three hours on Monday.  Fall is coming and a chilly breeze blew through, but the lawn is still beautiful.  Tina had…