November 25, 2005 (Friday) 2:00pm – 4:00pm Skaneateles Furs, 42 E. Genesee Street Skaneateles, NY 13152 (315) 685-6030 Skaneateles is near Syracuse, ~70 miles east of Rochester, ~1.5 hour’s drive. This protest will be Legal (Stay only on the…
Fur Protest
All are welcome to join us! November 6, 2005 (Sunday) 1:00pm – 3:00pmHeld-Projansky Furs Pittsford Plaza 3349 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY Remain legally on the public sidewalk out front. Signs will be provided, and you are welcome to bring your…
Tom Regan lecture: “Not Free to Cease!”
Tom Regan, Professor Emeritus of Philosphy at NC State University November 3, 2005 (Thursday) 7:00pm Auditorium, Brighton Town Hall 2300 Elmwood Ave. Rochester, NY Free and open to the public Sign language interpreter provided Accessible by wheelchair (elevator by the…
Lecture: “Spiritual Perspectives on Animals”
Rev. Gary Kowalski, Unitarian minister, animal rights activist and author from Burlington, VT October 23, 2005 (Sunday) 7:00pm Brighton Town Lodge 777 Westfall Road, Henrietta, NY Free and open to the Public. Lecture followed by Q&A. People of all faiths…
Candlelight Vigil for the Animals, Victim to Hurricane Katrina
ARAUNY to Host a Candlelight Vigil for the Animals, Victim to Hurricane Katrina September 26, 2005 (Monday) 6:00pm Memorial Garden on the lawn at the First Unitarian Church, 220 Winton Road South, Rochester, NYMonetary donations will be accepted for…
ARAUNY Focus Meeting: “Chick In Focus”
September 22, 2005 (Thursday) 6:30pmBrighton Memorial Library “Learning Center” – 2300 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY Free and open to the public. ALL ARE WELCOME. An open discussion about chickens trapped in the egg industry: from the hatchery to factory-farm, free-range,…