ARAUNY Hosts an Information Table at First VEGFEST August 28, 2005 (Sunday)Onondaga Lake, Inner Harbor (Syracuse, NY area) Animal Rights Advocates of Upstate New York hosts an information table at New York State’s first VEGFEST near Syracuse, NY. For details,…
Demonstration: “Compassionate Consumers’ Egg Campaign”
August 12, 2005 (Friday) 5:00pm to 8:00pmPittsford Wegmans – 3195 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY Demonstration to raise awareness and support for the campaign to expose cruel practices in the egg industry. ARAUNY and Compassionate Consumers will hold a demo Friday,…
Demonstration: “Compassionate Consumers’ Egg Campaign”
August 6, 2005 (Saturday) 12:00pmPittsford Wegmans – 3195 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY Demonstration to raise awareness and support for the campaign to expose cruel practices in the egg industry. ARAUNY and Compassionate Consumers will hold a demo Saturday, August 6,…
“Wegmans Cruelty” Film and Discussion
“WEGMANS CRUELTY: A Public Showing and Discussion” August 1, 2005 (Monday) 7:00pmBrighton Town Hall: AUDITORIUM – 2300 Elmwood Ave, Rochester NY – Wheelchair accessible (elevator by rear entrance) ARAUNY to host Compassionate Consumers, showing their newly released video “Wegmans…
Olive-branch Demonstration
Hosted by ARAUNY July 20, 2005 (Wednesday) 5:30-7:30pm Wegmans – 1750 East Ave, Rochester NY Corner of Probert St. and East Ave. (near S. Winton) Thank Wegmans for selling Vegan options in their Nature’s Market. Suggest buying: Egg-Replacer and…
Lecture on Coyote-Killing, Canned Hunts, Trophy Hunting
Wanted: Dead or Alive: Should Recreational Killing of Animals be Allowed in NYS? Presentation (hour-long lecture, followed by Q&A) by: VALERIE WILL, from Buffalo NY May 2, 2005 (Monday) 7:00pm Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ave, Rochester NY AUDITORIUM –…