Demonstration: “Compassionate Consumers’ Egg Campaign”

August 12, 2005 (Friday) 5:00pm to 8:00pmPittsford Wegmans – 3195 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY Demonstration to raise awareness and support for the campaign to expose cruel practices in the egg industry. ARAUNY and Compassionate Consumers will hold a demo Friday,…

Demonstration: “Compassionate Consumers’ Egg Campaign”

August 6, 2005 (Saturday) 12:00pmPittsford Wegmans – 3195 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY Demonstration to raise awareness and support for the campaign to expose cruel practices in the egg industry. ARAUNY and Compassionate Consumers will hold a demo Saturday, August 6,…

“Wegmans Cruelty” Film and Discussion

  “WEGMANS CRUELTY: A Public Showing and Discussion” August 1, 2005 (Monday) 7:00pmBrighton Town Hall: AUDITORIUM – 2300 Elmwood Ave, Rochester NY – Wheelchair accessible (elevator by rear entrance) ARAUNY to host Compassionate Consumers, showing their newly released video “Wegmans…

Lecture on Coyote-Killing, Canned Hunts, Trophy Hunting

Wanted: Dead or Alive: Should Recreational Killing of Animals be Allowed in NYS? Presentation (hour-long lecture, followed by Q&A) by: VALERIE WILL, from Buffalo NY May 2, 2005 (Monday) 7:00pm Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ave, Rochester NY AUDITORIUM –…