September 6th: Meet between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. Sibley Place (1 block east of Alexander St, opposite Prince St, off East Ave). Parade routes up East Ave, to Liberty Pole, west on Main St., ends at S. Plymouth (near Hochstein…
Monthly meeting
August 18, 2004 (Wednesday): 6:30 p.m. First Unitarian Church, 220 Winton Road South Rochester, NY Room 228 Handicapped accessible (elevator or stairs)All are welcome! We meet the 3rd Wednesday of EACH month. Note the corrected address above.
Educational Demonstration
July 25, 2004 (Sunday): 1:00-3:00pm East Ave. Wegmans, Rochester, NY (We’ll remain on the public sidewalk.)We’ll be showing support of Wegman’s for the Vegan options in their Natural Foods section. This will also be the debut of our “Faunette” a…
Field Trip to Farm Sanctuary
July 24, 2004 (Saturday):Time to be decided. Farm Sanctuary is located in Watkins Glen, NY. Carpool location to be decided. See how animals live and grow when they’re treated with care. Take a tour of the sanctuary and interact with…
Monthly meeting
July 21, 2004 (Wednesday): 6:30 p.m. First Unitarian Church, 220 S. Winton Rd. Room 228 Handicapped accessible (elevator or stairs)All are welcome! We meet the 3rd Wednesday of EACH month.
Monthly meeting
June 16, 2004 (Wednesday): 6:30 p.m. First Unitarian Church, 220 S. Winton Rd. Room 228 Handicapped accessible (elevator or stairs)All are welcome! We meet the 3rd Wednesday of EACH month.