Rochester VegFest returned to downtown Rochester for its 4th year with a mostly-new coordinator committee, and we’re grateful for all the time people put in. Please check out the Recap and Thank You posts at Rochester VegFest website!
A special thank you here to Carol H, Elise, Bubbie, Dara, and Bob F for stepping up to join me (Tina) in tabling at the Animal Rights Rochester booth and offering valuable information about non-human animals to attendees.
We talked to lots of people; some were not-yet-vegan and were interested in the info we had to offer. Many people were already vegan, and they took fliers for their friends and family.
I debuted a freshly-written hot-off-the-press (my printer) brochure on Fish, by popular demand, as part of my “True Story” series, the backbone of ARRoc tabling. It was long overdue and well-received. For other animals I had worked off of the plethora of brochures available everywhere, but for fish I was not able to find a suitable existing brochure or brief info that went beyond ecosystem depletion. I wanted to talk about how amazing they are as individuals, yes they feel pain, catch and release hurts and kills, and the various methods used to kill them. So I did. Links included to Jonathan Balcombe (for how amazing they are) and to PCRM (for how unhealthy they are for us).