YellowWall Demonstration at Garden Brothers Circus

ARAUNY will be holding YellowWall Demonstrations at the Henrietta Dome Arena on this coming Monday October 12th, 3-4:30 and 6-7:30 for the Garden Brothers Circus.

Thanks to Mary B. for noticing this circus and offering to lead the demonstrations!

Let’s make sure attendees know that not everybody thinks the circus is fun.

Note: this is in addition to the YellowWall for Ringling downtown at the end of the month – details to follow soon.

YELLOW WALL is a very specific demo:

(recap of a previous YW with photo)

  • Stand Still – side by side, in line with others in YellowWall.
  • Stay Silent – do not shout at or react to anyone shouting at us.
    No whispering, discussing, music, wiggling, talking, moving.
    Only Yellow signs provided by ARAUNY for this demo.
  • Wear all Black (preferably, but comfort first)
  • Please wear no animal products (no leather, no down, no silk, no fur)
  • Do not bring animals. Leave them home where they’re safe.
  • Stand on public sidewalk only – and do not block anyone: keep it legal. Police are always present. ARAUNY is a law-abiding, peaceful group, never had any legal issues; let’s keep it that way.


Please park at the Wegmans on Calkins Rd. and walk over to the corner of E. Henrietta and Fair Ave., in front of Gro-Moore Farms.


Dress for the weather. Rain or shine, it’s on (unless dangerous, ie: hurricane, high winds, lightning/thunder, blizzard).


Not sure where bathrooms are, so come prepared!

Our solid Yellow Wall is our statement … we hold our yellow signs, standing in silence, making us approachable. Rather than aggressively approaching circus-goers, we welcome those who approach Yellow Wall with questions or for dialogue. Always be polite.

For those who do not want to join Yellow Wall

If you’re carrying a sign that is not one of ARAUNY’s prepared Yellow signs, kindly stand separate from us, not in our line. Whatever you do, please keep it peaceful and non-violent. We all must keep in mind that others are watching us (ie: children, public figures). We are each perceived as representative of the entire AR movement, so let’s all keep it civil and peaceful.


ARAUNY will provide leaflets if you would care to distribute them.

Frankly once the circus is here, it’s too late. Sponsors already paid, and parents bought tickets for excited children in tow. The time to speak out is BEFORE the circus arrives ~ and it’s never too late: LTEs, letters to schools, sponsors, speaking to City Council, etc. ARAUNY has switched from *protesting* the circus to hosting peaceful Yellow Wall demos, to educate those who turn their heads to read our statements.

But for the use of physical punishment by, and fear of their oppressors, animals would never be part of a circus. -Richard Pryor