In Memory of Kathy Caldwell

Kathy Caldwell, longtime animal rights activist, feminist, and social justice advocate, passed away in February of this year.  Despite working both full-time and part-time jobs, Kathy never failed to attend a meeting, protest, tabling event, or community outreach.  Until the end, she was fearless and exceptionally committed to the causes she cared about.

Thanks to the generosity of numerous donors who contributed to ARRoc in her name, we were able to purchase two 32″ televisions for our outreach efforts.  On Saturday May 21st, 2017, we put them into service:

“Today we dedicate these two televisions to the memory of Kathy Caldwell, a social justice activist for decades, and a fierce, outspoken advocate for all animals.  If she could, she would have been here with us, and we know she would be proud to be an ongoing part of putting the truth before people’s eyes.  She’s here today in spirit, and in memory.”