This was a beautiful event. I count that 19 advocates came out to stand up for their friends on East Avenue. The weather was lovely and peace was in the air. Thank you to Mary and Martha for making signs…
Our next book will be: Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel by Carl Safina. There are nine copies in the public library. Our book discussion will be Tuesday, November 15th, 6:30-8:00 pm in Brighton. Contact us for the location.…
Ringling is coming at the end of October 2016, six performances, from eight last year. So two down, six to go! ARAUNY will host a Silent Protest at ALL shows, so please come out for as many as you can.…
Be an “upstander” with ARAUNY. Let’s stand up for our friends on Sunday, October 2nd, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm in front of the East Avenue Wegmans in Rochester. We will stand on the public sidewalk at the southwest corner…
Thank you to all who came up to stand in silent dissent of the bull-riding event at Blue Cross Arena yesterday; there were thirteen of us. A fair number of people attended the show – still a tiny minority of…
ARAUNY will be holding a Silent Protest to express dissent of Professional Bull Riders, coming Saturday, September 10th to Blue Cross Arena. We will stand from 6 to 7 pm in front of BCA, rain or shine – please check…
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