What is Speciesism?

Farm Sanctuary Cow Pastel

by Tinako – Expanding Circle Blogger
I’ve been looking for some time for a concise written explanation of speciesism, without success. I wanted something to hand out at Human Rights Day last December, so I wrote the following, which fits on a small flyer. I’d love to hear whether it makes logical sense to you…

Earth Companions

by Linda DeStefano

It’s time to expand respect for animals.

Koko, the gorilla, communicates with people through American Sign Language and her understanding of a large vocabulary of spoken English. She is gentle with her kitten, and hugs people she likes.

Although he can escape from the killer harpoons, a whale returns to his wounded mate and stays with her until he, too, is killed by the whalers.

ARAUNY March Focus Meeting: Speciesism

Animal Rights Advocates of Upstate, N.Y. will be hosting a discussion about Speciesism. Monday, March 23, 2015, 7:00 – 8:30 pm Brighton Memorial Library Community Room 2300 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester NY 14618 Location is wheelchair accessible – it helps the…

It’s Time for the Canadian Seal Hunt to End

by Anonymous
As February winds down and we look forward to spring, a grim reality disguised as “tradition” comes forth. The annual slaughter of baby harp seals begins as soon as the pups start shedding their white coats and ice conditions permit. A white, pristine nursery where hundreds of thousands of seal mothers nurse their young becomes a horrifying, bloody killing field.

Revival of ARAUNY’s Website!

Animal Rights Advocates of Upstate, N.Y. is pleased to announce the revival of our website, www.arroc.org, with many new changes, featuring: A Blog (new) with essays from a few select ARAUNY members. Look for new blog-posts every few days. Resources including links ~ our…