2nd Annual Bark Heard Around the World

BARK ~ Puppy Mill Awareness ARAUNY will be tabling at BARK again this year. Come visit us! barkaroundtheworld.com 10am – 4pm NYS Fairgrounds Pepsi International Building Syracuse, NY Get a BARK T-shirt early at womanmadeproducts.com Some important information about puppy…

Easter Seals Walkathon

Animal Rights Advocates UNY will show our support for Easter Seals this Saturday, May 9th ~ because in all their good work, they do NOT test on animals, and have earned PCRM’s Humane Charity Seal of Approval. In brief, “Easter Seals provides exceptional…

Ringling Circus is returning to Rochester, N.Y.

April 29th – May 3rd, 2009 Circuses.com …and alas, ARAUNY will again be protesting Ringling’s ugly presence. Participants in the Yellow Wall Ringling protest, 2009. Click to enlarge. Protesters, please, arrive one hour or more before each show: April 29…

Rochester NY Sierra Club: 11th Annual Environmental Forum

April 16th 2009 ~ Thursday Bio/Veg Committee of Rochester NY Sierra Club, 11th Annual Environmental Forum ARAUNY accepted an invitation to table at this event. We shared information on Veganic Agriculture, Global Warming, Veganism and Animal Rights. We welcomed this…

Dr. Michael Greger to speak in Rochester

DECEMBER 21st, 2008 ~ Sunday Michael Greger, M.D. “The Latest in Human Nutrition 2008” The Rochester Area Vegetarian Society and ARAUNY are co-sponsoring Dr. Greger following a vegan share-a-dish dinner. 5:30 PM Vegan Dinner 7:00 PM Program Brighton Town Park…