Please Join: Stand For Turkeys 2022

Who: Animal Rights Rochester
What: Protesting the needless death of 44 million turkeys this Thanksgiving
When: Sunday 11/20 at 12:00 p.m.
Where: East Avenue Wegmans, Rochester

Why: With all the healthy plant-based alternatives now available, it is completely unnecessary to kill an animal for Thanksgiving. And yet 44 million turkeys are killed yearly in horrific factory farm settings or allegedly “humane” farms like Plainville, Wegmans supplier, against which 139 acts of animal cruelty by employees were charged this October after being caught on brutally clear investigative footage.  It is the largest number of criminal charges to be brought against a company in US history. Animal advocates will gather at Wegmans to appeal to the compassion of people who celebrate this tradition to do so without cruelty on the table.

We have plenty of signs; if you’d like to bring your own, we ask that you please be sure they match ARRoc’s core values.

If you are new to activism, please know that you will be welcomed heartily, and this is a simple and safe way to be present for those that can’t and to lend a voice to the some of those whose voices are not heard.

Please watch this space for any weather-related cancellations.


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