Thanks to Joseph, Justin, Jessica, Theresa, Darren, Christine, Lisa, and Rich for showing people the truth about animals used for food on Thursday at Party in the Park! They report that 22 passersby decided to take veganism seriously after talking…
Thanks to Justin, Tina, Joseph, Jessica, Sandy, Lisa, and Andy for standing up for animals at the Party in the Park at Martin Luther King Jr Park last night. We stood outside the Chestnut Street entrance for three hours and…
We had a beautiful Spring Cube of Truth last Saturday! Thank you to Joseph, Tina, Theresa, Alec, Justin, John, Misty, and Andy for coming out to show and tell about animals being used for food. We had many, many good…
Thank you to Joseph, John, Tina, Justin, and Bob for coming out to the Public Market on a very cold windy day today to show passers-by the truth about where their food comes from. I held a TV and watched…
Thank you to Joseph, Falicia, Tracy, Darren, Mike L, and Tina for coming out to the Public Market for two hours to let people know the truth about animals used for food. The weather was very pleasant, though the sunshine…
Thank you to Joseph, Darren, Falicia, Lydia, Indigo, Justin, Andy, Bob, and Tina for standing out in the windy cold at the Public Market for two hours Saturday to let people know the truth about animals used for food. Seven…
Thanks to Pana, Justin, Hannah, Theresa, Indego, Falicia and Darren for coming out in 20-degree weather to the Public Market on January 12th to show people the truth about animals being used for food. Many conversations were had as well…
Have you ever been to a Cube? The Cube of Truth is a peaceful static demonstration akin to an art performance. This demonstration operates in a structured manner that triggers curiosity and interest from the public; we attempt to lead…
Join anonymous for the Voiceless for a Cube of Truth to be held at the Lilac Festival area on Saturday 5/19/18. Meet at 180 Reservoir Ave, 14620. The Cube will be held from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM. As always,…
Several people came together at the Rochester Vegan Community Center on Tuesday March 27 to learn about Anonymous for the Voiceless. Participants learned how exactly to do a Cube and had a chance to work on outreach skills. Thank you…
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