Tag: environment

Be an advocate for wildlife and the lives of all animals

[The following letter from our VP, Martha, appeared in the Democrat and Chronicle last week.  Great advocacy, Martha!] Wildlife killing contests target animals for whom there are no protections — squirrels, fox, coyotes, bobcats, skunks, badgers, prairie dogs, and in…

What I Can Do

by tinako

I was tabling for our local vegan society and a GMO Labeling Bill a few weeks ago, and I was struck by the despair expressed by a few people who came up to me. “No one cares, even when they know the facts about animals,” one woman (not vegan) expressed. She seemed to believe that the best response to this was to do nothing, even within her own sphere of influence (her plate). An organic farmer said, “Monsanto is so big. People don’t know. Who will tell them?”…

The Issue of Human Consciousness

by Linda Brink

Bryan Graczyk recently posted these extraordinarily interesting quotes on AR-Global:

Navajo warning: “If you kill off the prairie dogs there will be no one to cry for rain.”

Hopi Elder: “Water under the ground has much to do with rain clouds. If you take the water from under the ground, the land will dry up.”

Earth Companions

by Linda DeStefano

It’s time to expand respect for animals.

Koko, the gorilla, communicates with people through American Sign Language and her understanding of a large vocabulary of spoken English. She is gentle with her kitten, and hugs people she likes.

Although he can escape from the killer harpoons, a whale returns to his wounded mate and stays with her until he, too, is killed by the whalers.