Tina gave a talk for members recently about how she tables for ARRoc. Tabling means offering flyers at a table, and people come up and talk to you. Tina has been tabling for about 10 years and has developed an…
Have you ever been to a Cube? The Cube of Truth is a peaceful static demonstration akin to an art performance. This demonstration operates in a structured manner that triggers curiosity and interest from the public; we attempt to lead…
It was a beautiful day for pride on Saturday 7/21. After quickly throwing together a group of 12 to represent ARRoc, we proudly strutted down Park Avenue to lots of cheers and shouts of “Yeah Vegan!” The feeling of celebration…
Roc Vegan Life will have their monthly meeting on Sunday July 8th from 1-3 pm at Rochester Lifestyle Medicine’s office at 2024 West Henrietta Rd, building 5A. Connect with other vegans for facilitated discussions on food, family, friends, challenges, and…
We are rescheduling the Stand Up from 6/28 to next Thursday 7/5. 4-6pm, weather permitting, Goodman St. at 490 – if you’re interested, RSVP by email or on Facebook. We provide signs. Canceled in case of rain This is another…
Thanks to Darren and Justin for doing the Brighton Eco Fair tabling. We were told by the organizers that we couldn’t show videos of calf separation. (There weren’t any slaughter videos). It appears that parents complained because they were afraid…
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