Finding the solid ground

by John Carbonaro

Questions frequently arise, particularly with new vegans, as they transition to a new way of being. The animals, either whole or in product form that were once part of the “fabric” of our lives are now viewed differently. The continued separation of our minds and behaviors from the thick layers of experiences, upbringing, and societal conventions requires the kind of mindfulness that cares for the ego while showing its defensive maneuvers to the door…

Response to Rabbi Marc Gellman of “The God Squad”

by JanineS

Rabbi Gellman’s syndicated column appears in the Saturday edition of the Buffalo News. In the March 20th column a question was posed:

“I think it’s time to encourage Christians and Jews to be vegetarians. The Fifth Commandment says, “Thou shalt not kill.” If God meant only people, He would have said so. What part of “Not Kill” don’t people understand?” – C. Cyberspace (Buffalo News)

Speciesism and the Violence of Euphemisms

by George Payne, founder of Gandhi Earth Keepers International

Our species clings to the concept of Human because it provides an easy, relaxing and affordable sensation of superiority over other sentient
beings. The schism between human and animal (we share 98% genetic
similarity with chimpanzees) however, is not only artificial but


by Linda Brink

I have great respect for the intelligence of rats. As with most animal/human conflicts, understanding the animal with our supposedly superior intelligence is key to compassionate resolution of the troubling issues. That, and patience. Here are the three key survival necessities for rats people need to understand when attempting to move them out: