Activists Ben from Toronto, Cat from Buffalo, and Mary from ARRoc did some outstanding outreach on Sunday at Park Avenue. Mary reports:
We walked down Park Avenue and asked people if they would be willing to participate in a social experiment. He then showed a picture of bloody dogs that were engaged in a dogfight. Then a picture of a Matador and a bloody bull in a bullfight, and then we showed them a picture of a man with a gun sitting beside a lion he shot as a trophy. The last picture we showed was a row of hanging dead pigs that were intended to be used for food.
We asked people what they thought of each picture, and as you can imagine, for the first three they were horrified and talked about how disgusted they were, how much they love animals, how much the people involved were wrong. When we got to the picture of pigs it was clearly understood why the experiment was set up the way that it was. We didn’t encounter any people that weren’t willing to re-examine their ideas about animals.
We took turns holding the pictures and asking the questions. Ben’s girlfriend Cat filmed the whole thing and later he’s going to be putting it together and we will circulate it on social media. Ben is involved with a lot of activism in and around Toronto including Save.
Ben was a leader in the January Market Funeral we participated in.