Tag: demonstration

REPORT: 2/22/14 ARAUNY YellowWall Vigil re Squirrel Slam, Holley NY

2/22/14 Saturday was a sunny 40 degree day, with wind gusts up to 50mph! Fifteen activists joined ARAUNY’s YellowWall Vigil … still, silent, peaceful, holding bright yellow homemade signs to honor squirrels, massacred just up the road in Holley that…

Report: Over 40 Protestors at Ringling’s Opening Night, Rochester NY

There were OVER 40 protestors at Ringling’s Opening Night, Wed 10/26/11 (wow)!!!  ARAUNY quickly ran out of our YELLOW-WALL signs, and Kathy Caldwell offered the use of her signs which we also ran out of!  Folks, this has never happened here…