Let’s give thanks to Adam, Deb, John, Krista, and Martha for coming out to express their compassion and sorrow for turkeys today (and thanks to Lyn for stopping by to give us hugs). The rain held off but the wind…
Martha Sullivan, Katey Burke and Felicity Brach reading. JohnMark Smeenk interpreting. 7:00pm Washington Square Park, S.Clinton and Court Streets, Rochester NY all are welcome BRING A CANDLE ceremony of selected readings, no open-mic Tortured lives, untimely deaths – too many,…
Thursday, 4/27/06 6:00pm Animals in Lab at UR-Strong Memorial Hospital (SMH) – 601 Elmwood Ave, Rochester NY Holding candles (and posters), join us in a SILENT WALK down Elmwood (approximately 1 mile), stand together on sidewalk, outside of SMH-Lab. We…
ARAUNY to Host a Candlelight Vigil for the Animals, Victim to Hurricane Katrina September 26, 2005 (Monday) 6:00pm Memorial Garden on the lawn at the First Unitarian Church, 220 Winton Road South, Rochester, NYMonetary donations will be accepted for…
November 2 (Sunday): 6:00 p.m. From the parking lot just north of Al Sigl Center (South Ave & Elmwood), walk 1-mile to outside of Strong Hospital Animal Lab on Elmwood Ave. (We are “legally” to stand only on the public…
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