Thank you to those who braved the cold to stand up for turkeys. Animal Rights Rochester protested outside of Wegmans for the second time this season Sunday to stand up for the roughly 44 million turkeys killed for an unnecessary…
Who: Animal Rights Rochester What: Protesting the needless death of 44 million turkeys this Thanksgiving When: Sunday 11/20 at 12:00 p.m. Where: East Avenue Wegmans, Rochester Why: With all the healthy plant-based alternatives now available, it is completely unnecessary to…
Thank you ARRoc member Andy the Activist, Animal Rescuer and Skylands Sanctuary President Mike Stura for speaking live on WRFZ 106.3fm Tuesday, local vegan June for being featured in the PSA on cows, and Joseph Allman for cohosting the show.…
In this Public Service Announcement we beg the question: Is Dairy Harmful? What happens to the cows? Got Milk? …There are many vegan alternatives to dairy. At this time, there are vegan milks that are great for baking, cooking, drinking. …
PSA #2 – Baby Cows Go Through THIS For Dairy
Click the link above to view our second Public Service Announcement in which we ask, Is Dairy Harmful?
Got Milk?
…There are many vegan alternatives to dairy. At this time, there are vegan milks that are great for baking, cooking, drinking. We have vegan cheeses that now stretch, melt, and taste delicious. Help end the violence by choosing to go vegan. Coaching Available via signups at www.arroc.org/coaching/
In this Public Service Announcement we beg the question: WHY exactly do cows make milk? Is it a natural process? Got Milk? …There are many vegan alternatives to dairy. At this time, there are vegan milks that are great…
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